Monday, July 28, 2008

My friend, Jesus

A couple of weeks ago, Sarah, the coolest blogger and friend in the world, sent me a link to her new accessories blog. However, when I selected the link it took me to a biblical site and a 1000 ways to learn about Jesus, the Bible, etc. At first, I thought she was messing with me. I carefully checked the address of the link and it was correct. It was very bizarre and a little weird. When I told Sarah, she said, “It’s a sign that I am Jesus!” From then on, I referred to her as the “Holy One.” I can’t tell you how many e-mails went back and forth asking “Jesus” for her opinion and conversing about the latest gossip from her holy land. So, imagine my surprise when Jesus arrived at my doorstep Saturday. No, not Sarah, but Jesus the biblical action figure. Evan and I laughed for a long time over Sarah's gift. So, we decided to put together some photos of Jesus' visit so that we could share them with everyone.

Here he is blessing breakfast

Speaking to his peeps

Oh Jesus, you're so funny! Here he is telling me a story. He's quite the jokster.

He is such a huge help around the house. Here he is shamming the car.

Off to the grocery store. Don't forget your seat belt Jesus; Texas drivers are crazy!

Here he is telling Katy Perry why she shouldn't be kissing other girls!

Thanks again Sarah. It's been fun having Jesus here. He is already giving us signs. Immediately after he showed up, I picked up my magazine, flipped the page and there was a random article about living in St. Louis. It was a sign for Evan and I. A sign that we will one day be closer to our families. As far as I'm concerned, Jesus can stay as long as he wants.


  1. Holy Shit, laughing too hard, will commment later......

  2. I am so glad Jesus FINALLY arrived. As soon as you realized that I could very well be the female Jesus, I knew I had to send you a Jesus Action Figure! That was about 25 days ago. Since then I have sent the company numerous e-mails asking them where was Jesus? Finally even asking What Would Jesus Do? I assured them that he would send the damn action figure!

    I hope Jesus can be your family mascot like the Lindemann's Rodney The Rat.

    Hopefully he will get to come along and bless your upcoming canoe trip and keep you safe. I can only hope at some point he ends up down Hank's pants.

  3. Jesus will be riding shotgun with me on the canoe trip. Rum Ashley will make sure that Jesus ends up in Hank's pants. Pictures to follow.

  4. HOLY JESUS! That's hilarious. I work in the cubicle next to you and I had no idea you were so close to Jesus!

  5. That's funny shit, especialy since Hank is the least religious person on the trip.

  6. I have a feeling Hank will be a little more religious after he has Jesus in his pants.
