Monday, June 30, 2008

What really grinds my gears?

I would like to join Peter Griffin and share with you folks “What really grinds my gears.”

A lot of little things tick me off, but mainly the state of Texas. Everyone knows I hate Texas and can’t wait to move. The simplest of things are always complicated here. So, this weekend I wanted to go running at my local track. This is normal, right? I like going to the track because it is safer, easy to measure out my mileage and I enjoy it. However, I am not allowed to run at any of the local high school tracks because they have them gated. And why is this you ask? Out of the $4200 we paid in taxes last year, $3400 of it went to Rockwall county schools. Instead of spending it on their teachers and textbooks, they are building college size football stadiums with fake turf (yes, that’s right) and indoor practice fields. This applies to a majority of the high schools in this city. So, I am not allowed to run, skip or walk on their precious track. What pisses me off the most is these facilities are not open to the people who paid for them. All I want to do is go running…is that so bad? Don’t get me wrong, I am all for sports, but is a college size stadium going to make you a better player…no, hard work and practice will.

And that folks is “What really grinds my gears.”

One of the many high schools stadiums in our city. The new one they are building by us is even bigger.


  1. That's crazy! I don't know what it is about football being a major sport in Texas, high school football at that. It's because there's nothing more that little towns can do other than watch all high school football games in a seriously big stadium that is not needed. I don't think anyone should have major stadiums like that unless they are a college. That's weird. I think if you pay for the taxes for the area that you should be allowed to use the flippin field you just paid for. That's all I have to say about that.

  2. I understand you don't like Texas....thats ok we don't like you either. You bitch about big stadiums and then show a picture of a stadium in Wylie...which is not Rockwall. And why do you think the track is off limits...because people who don't like Texas abuse them. We have trails and paths all over Rockwall....what is wrong with them. Taxpayers paid for them so you can use them.....if you really want to get pissy go to a park out of your city and use their trails. That way you can feel good about using something you didn't pay for. I guess you better go back to where you came from where people are just like you!!!!!!!

  3. WOW--Ashley struck a nerve.

    Now I know why Ashley is not fond of Texas-it is filled with douchebags like the guy who left that comment.

    Hey buddy-they say everything is bigger in Texas and I will assume they meant assholes by that one. Come see us in Illinois and we will go all OBAMA on your ass!

  4. Hey tampax fish cunt, you make about as much sense as your flippin state. I believe her point is to run somewhere she feels safe, somewhere she has helped pay for. If I was her, I wouldn't want to run around some "out of city park" with all the illegal Mexicans your sorry ass state has allowed into our country.
    Plus, there are only 2 things that comes out of TX, steers and queers. I sure as hell don't hear you mooing.
    Ashley, you can move to Illinois and see what real hospitality is all about. I am sure the Eagles will let you run on their track any time you want. See, here in the Midwest we treat each other with respect.

  5. Dear txfishhunt -
    I don't know what crawled up your ass and died but its people like you that make our state look bad and give every right for people to hate Texas. I've been born and raised in Texas, proud of it, but I do have some issues here and's called having an opinion. And what kind of loser goes as far as to go on a random blog to create a post. How in the world did you think that was any kind of smart to do. You definitely made a name for you. Why don't you go back to where you come from and leave others alone. We didn't come seek you so take your panties out of your ass and deal with people's opinions. Welcome to a world of freedom. The freedom to hate assholes like you that don't have any common sense.

  6. Oh and as I read txfishhunt's comment, I touched my heart and said..."Oh bless his heart"

  7. txfishhunt - Obviously you can read, but the comprehension seems to be a problem! She said the staduim they are building is bigger than the one in the picture. Maybe not spending that tax money on teachers and textbooks has had a long term effect on the educational system in Texas!!!
