Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Changing Lives Everywhere…

Okay, not everywhere, just at my office. I came into work today after being off a day to find my ladies, Kathi and Anna, with brand new aluminum Sigg bottles. They were so inspired by my Greensburg post that they hit up the local REI and purchased them. I had tears in my eyes; I am so proud of them. I felt like a big fat jerk as I stood there with my plastic Fiji water bottle. I swear I am making changes! The Fiji bottle is the last of the plastic water bottles in our house. Anyway, I just wanted to let my girls know how pleased I am with them. Keep up the good work ladies!

Anna's Bottle

Kathi's Bottle


  1. YAY!!!! You're such a great influence Ashley Bunton! I LOVE my new Sigg water bottle.

  2. You're inspiring here in Newton too...I'm the proud new owner of a sigg water bottle.

    I read that in the USA we throw away 30 million platic bottles A DAY!


    -amber (millspaugh) lindemann
