Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My first love...Evan Bunton

My second love...
Evan got me an iphone for my birthday (thank you honey).  I am giddy!  I have waited for several long months until our contract expired so that I could upgrade my phone.  I love this thing; it is so addicting!  

Not only that, but it goes so well in the new purse I bought yesterday from Sarah of www.sarahsellz.blogspot.com.

Watch out...here comes fashionably cool Ashley (that almost sounds like a barbie name)!


  1. Love, Love, Love the purse. I guess the phone is ok too, not really into the techno world. My phone doesn't even take pictures! Great to see you over the weekend!

  2. Happy Birthday Ashley.

    I must really like you to venture out to the dangerous river just to see you!

    Your phone is super neat. I am with Amanda, I think we have the exact same phone. I can barely text.

    Your purse is great, glad you like it! Thanks for the shout out!


  3. You know how I feel about my Blackberry. I didn't realize it was your birthday. Hope you have a good one!

  4. Happy Birthday Ashley! I really didn't know it was your birthday, but it looks like that's the wurd on the street. It is so fun to read about your life...so when you go to my blog, you will realize, I have no life, but a 2 year old. I am going to add you guys to our blogging friends. So glad to be in touch!

  5. Hey cfarley, should I change my iphone message to say "sent from my iphone, in my thong, from my home office?" After all, I want to be just like you!

    Kelliej, I am so happy that you posted! I am going to add you to our blog roll as well! :=)
