Friday, October 3, 2008


Did you watch the Vice Presidential Debate?  What did you think?  Talk amongst yourselves.


  1. Here's what a guy from the Washington Post had to say
    Exactly an hour into the debate, Joe Biden began an answer by saying, "Facts matter, Gwen."
    To him, maybe. To Sarah Palin, maybe not. The pattern, so far, has been one of Biden presenting facts and Palin countering with… saying stuff. Sometimes she throws in a fact, but mostly she seems to be offering a string of approximate policy positions, encomiums to the American spirit, disputed interpretations of Barack Obama's record and anecdotes from Alaska.
    For me, that pretty much sums it up. She did not screw up, she did not do great. If you were watching the debate like a series of Palin/McCain ads/sound bites then you got what you wanted. If you wanted some real debating, honest answers of the question, probably did not happen.

    I thought that Gwen (the moderator in the awful jacket) must have wanted to shake Sarah Palin and tell her to stay on track. She just said what she wantes, the questions be damned.

    When Biden teared up, he did good.
    Not sure if that was an Oscar worthy moment, but it got me.

  2. 32 Days left and counting. We're so close. This is all so exciting!

  3. I honestly was rather disappointed. I wanted to see a debate. A "Debate" It was not. I answering every question with, "McCain has did or done or voted", or "Barrack Obama did and voted for and believes in...." blah, blah, blah. Do either one of you have any of your own thoughts?? To me it was simply both taking turns getting plugs in for their presidential candidate....well I can see that on commercials all day long. They both sucked at debating.
    I want to know how the moderator broke her leg? Some mad crazy person protesting her book?
