Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I need some studying advice from my ladies. I am so drained after work and don't feel like I have the mental energy to study. I don't know if I'm absorbing any information. So tell me how all of you working mommies go to school and find time to study? Give me some tips on how and when you study? Maybe you all have some secret weapon to balancing it out that I don't know about. Also, is it totally unreasonable to try and maintain straight A's or should I give up that idea?


  1. Give up straight A's. No one cares, they only care about the degree.
    I study at night and occ. in the morning on days off.
    Your probably absorbing more than you think.
    Study over lunch. Getting it in small study sessions is better than long ones.

  2. Are you sure you want me to comment on this...I am currently taking 2 classes....EDUCATIONAL LAW-um hello...boring and hard and Student/School Culture or something like that...I am so busy I don't even know the name of the class. Here is how my days go...up 6am...out the door before all day until 4pm...get kids...cook something somewhat edible...baths...laundry...dishes...and then about 9pm or later I get online to try to answer stupid questions until like 11...rinse repeat the next day. And oh did I tell you...I have 2 schools, so I have to do the work of 2 jobs in the same time...dadada...impossible! Don't worry about grades...just try to pass!

  3. Gotta agree with Mrs. Farley, give up the dream of all A's. Also, study when ever you can. Today, I had a Dr. appt and I knew I would have down time waiting in the office, so I took my book with me and read a chapter. Take every opportunity.

  4. This is why I love my ladies...straight, to the point and possibly a little delirious!

  5. Who cares about A's. My philosophy has always been C = RN. I know your aren't a nurse but I feel my philosophy can be applied to any profession. I actually just got done with a quiz online from here at work. Not the best thing to be doing if a CODE BLUE is called but I had to chance it because I am a procrastinator and waited until the last minute. I personally only spend a minimal amount of time on my school work. Usually on Fridays when I am off. Just do the best you can and you will do fine. If you have a spare half hour, read. I always have my books with me because you just never know when an opportunity will arise!

  6. Forget the A's. I never got below an A until last semester. My teacher even told me C's get degrees. Studying in small segments seems to help. I like to go through the chapter and write down key points to take with me where ever I go. Notecards are my friend and they help tremendously. I am sure that you are getting more out of your studying than you think.

  7. Thank you everyone for your great advice. I will definitely take all of your suggestions and forego the straight A's.
