1. Go to where you store your digital photo folders & open the 4th folder.
2. Go to the 4th picture and post it.
3. Explain the picture.
4. Tag an additional 4 people.
What made this trip memorable was that Evan and I were in limbo between Orlando and Dallas at the time. We were in the process of selling our Orlando home and I was supposed to have gone home to Orlando for the week and then we were going to fly together to St. Louis for our canoe trip. Unfortunately, work got in the way and I decided I would do my Orlando trip on the back end of our canoe trip. What I didn't know was that Evan was going to pop the question and his plan would be that we could show everyone we were engaged on the trip. Everyone on the trip knew Evan was going to ask me so they kept asking to see my hand. They didn't realize the plans had changed. Thank goodness I was oblivious to the hand questions.
Funnier yet, was that Will Fritchley, who I didn't know well at the time, seized this opportunity to make my life hell for an evening. We had all been drinking that night and Will started asking Evan why he hadn't asked me to marry him and did he have commitment issues, etc. It got me all worked up and I was like, "Yeah Evan, why haven't you asked me?" By the end of my drunken night Will had me so fired up that I was giving Evan ultimatums that if he didn't propose within a year I was out of there! It seems that everyone got great pleasure out of my misery. Pour Evan bit his lip and didn’t say one word the whole night. It had to be so hard on him. Little did I know what was in store for me the next week?
I am tagging:
Cheryl James
Jamee Baltzell
Amanda Friskopp
Kelly Hatcher
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