Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas with the Bunton/Farley Families

Before I came along the Bunton's were lacking in the photo department. As the new daughter-in-law I vowed to change that. I promised to make everyone's life hell by snapping every minute of their lives so that it could be documented for future reference. This is a trait I inherited from my photo obsessed mother (thanks mom). I am confident that the Buntons and the Farleys thank God for me everyday. :=)

Having fun rolling around in the mess

Have I mentioned how cute he is?

One of my favorite photos. For those of you who know Chad, I hope you appreciate this photo. It was a special gift I made just for him.

Holly's new pajama set...sexy!
One of Evan's many tools

Cole's new circuit set...sweet!

Ross is such a ham...love him!

So darn cute


  1. I don't remember authorizing those pictures. You shall soon be hearing from my attorney.

  2. If your attorney or lawyer, whichever term you prefer, is Weber than I won't sweat the charges.
