Monday, August 4, 2008

Forecast for today = MISERY

Temperature yesterday: 107 degrees
Heat Index: 117+

Temperature Prediction for Today: 108 degrees
Heat Index: HELL…it's going to feel like hell!

Well, let's head to the water...oh wait, we can't because there is some weird disease going around Texas lakes and pools that gives you diarrhea. So basically, just sit in your house all day and do nothing. It might as well be winter because at least I would have energy and I wouldn't have to worry about dying the minute I step out the door.


  1. Yesterday was an oven, today it's Hell! I can't believe how flippin' hot its been lately. The 90's are coming in soon this week. We'll have to bring our sweaters.

  2. If you lived here, you could come over and sit in my disease free hot tub that is cool durning the day. Its like a mini swimming pool, the kids are digging it.

  3. Texas hates you. Why don't you leave?

  4. In my experience, a good case of diahrea (sp?) is usually an easy way to drop a few lbs.

    If I was in TX, I would take a chance and swim. The worst that could happen is I end up a little slimmer.

  5. Cfarley - Texas does hate me! I would move tomorrow if I could. Maybe you could help me this weekend. Slather on the "extra charm" to entice the hubby. That should make him want to move back.

    Jamee - If I lived there, I would never leave your disease free hot tub. I would be naked in it everyday!

    Sarah - I love the way you think! I wonder if I can catch a bad case of the "rea" before Thursday? I would love to be 10 lbs. lighter.
