Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Watchmen and a new kitchen gadget

We finally got a chance to see “Watchmen” this week and all I can say is, “Holy cow, full frontal male nudity!” A couple of guys at Evan’s worked warned him of this before we saw the show but I still wasn’t prepared for it. It’s like it was staring right back at me! At one point the guy quadrupled himself and there they were in all of their glory. This clearly made up for the years of topless chicks I’ve had to endure while watching movies. It’s about time they had something for the ladies.

Sorry, I guess I got a little sidetracked. Anyhoo, the movie was long…like almost three hours long. While I really liked it it wasn’t what I was expecting. I was hoping for more camaraderie between the watchmen (the group of superheroes) but some of them were at odds with each other. The matrix-type action scenes were good but gory and there were a lot of sexual references. So, if you are into male nudity, gory action scenes and sex then this is a must-see movie for you! love you long time!

Here is my latest and greatest kitchen gadget. I love it so much. I have used it every single night since I got it. I was an achievement award from work. I was able to select from among several different items and this is what I picked. So, if anyone has any fabulous recipes, tips or tricks they want to share with me I would love to hear from you. I’m still in a testing phase with my beloved wok but if I come up with some miraculous creation I will be sure to post.

1 comment:

  1. Must be extra special if you are breaking out the 2Live Crew!
