Thursday, November 13, 2008

Keys off Vegas on!

After weighing all of our options, it looks like we won't be able to go to the Keys after all. The weather there was going to be crappy and we didn't think we would have enough time there between non-revving and driving. Instead, we decided we would go to Vegas. We've been several times and wandered around and enjoyed the sights but this time Evan said "if we are going to go then we are going to do it all this time." We plan on taking in a Cirque show, all the Stratosphere rides (help me), possibly the Hoover Dam and the strip clubs! Okay just kidding about the strip clubs. We also decided to stay in downtown as opposed to the strip. The main reason for that is the major remodel of the Golden Nugget and its new shark tank pool. It looks awesome!

I'm very excited about our trip but extremely nervous about the Stratosphere rides. Two of them hang over the edge. We can pay $27.00 and gain admittance to the top and ride the three rides they have. Evan said I need to "man up." I guess I'll just suck it up and do it, but I am going to have a glass or two of wine before I get on. That should make everything better.

Has anyone seen any of the Cirque shows? I hear 'Love' is a favorite. We still trying to decide on which show to see, so send me your suggestions.

That's all for now. Peace out!


  1. Hey there. I am a friend of your in-laws and came across your blog. I just had to say I am sooooo jealous that you are going to Vegas. I have been there when Glenda was there before. And have been a few times since then. I absolutely LOVE it there. Have fun!!! Good luck with the rides, you are brave!!

  2. Thanks for posting Amber! Stay tuned because I'm sure I will have lots of exciting photos from our trip. That is if I'm still alive after the Stratosphere rides!

  3. I know you aren't really kidding about the strip joints-who do you think you're fooling? Have fun and be careful! Stuff a dollar in a g-string for me!

  4. That's awesome!!! You should have made a detour to come see me. I'm not far from Vegas. :) LOL JK!
