Monday, November 3, 2008

A baby shower, a Hot Carl and a whole lot of black velvet

I have been meaning to post the pictures from Lisa's baby shower that we had last weekend, but I've been a little slow. We had a great time! She got permission to use one of her model homes for the shower. It was beautiful! We ate lots of food, played the poopy diaper game and opened gifts. Lisa is the cutest pregnant women ever! I can't wait for Baby D to get here.

The spread

Smelling the poopy diaper

Examining the poopy diaper

Diana looks very perplexed by the diaper pooh

Very funny

The cake

Lisa opening her cute!


So many cute clothes!

Eric is going to look fabulous wearing his man carrier!

After Lisa's shower, Diana, and I headed over to a friend's to pick up the hubbys. Fortunately, Hot Carl was three sheets to the wind by the time we got there. He provided us with some excellent entertainment. I hope that he pays Diana huge sums of money to put up with his shenanigans because I would have disowned him by now. He finished an entire bottle of Black Velvet by himself!!! It makes me sick just thinking about it. Apparently, it made him sick too because Diana had to pull off the interstate to let him watch the Black Velvet come up the other way. She said he passed out but woke up one time randomly singing a song and then he passed back out again. Oh the power of the Hot Carl.

He's like the brother I wish I never had!

He actually looks sober here...too bad he's not.

No Evans were harmed in the making of this photo

Diana and I drinking our wine out of some fancy Bass Pro Shop cups

This picture says it all.
For those of you who know Hot Carl and know what Hot Carl means, I hope you thoroughly enjoyed this post.


  1. If you like the Hot Carl, you will love the Abe Lincoln.

  2. Ahh yes, the old Abe Lincoln. Let's hope those two never get combined in anyway shape or form. Can you imagine a Hot Carl/Abe Lincoln combo? I wonder if we can get the waitress at Sneaky Pete's to reenact that scenario!!!
