Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fishing at its finest

Here are some photos from Evan’s Southwest fishing trip. I’ve decided that I’m going next year whether or not I’m invited. Looking at all the pictures of the guys relaxing, drinking and soaking up the Florida rays has got me jonesin’ for a tropical vacation big time.

OK, enough about me and my wants…on to the fishing. Our very own Kid Rock had himself a pretty exciting day. He caught a nice big hammerhead shark. They tried for one last year but had no success. Evan managed to take some videos of him reeling it in. I forgot to ask if they cooked it or not. I’m assuming you can eat shark, right?

1 comment:

  1. is it wrong if i now have photo 3 (kid rock givin the peace sign) as my screen saver on my work comp? if it's wrong.... i dont wanna be right.
