Friday, May 23, 2008

Got Milk?

We do! Awhile back I awoke to a fresh pot of coffee and what I though was my neighbor’s horses roaming our backyard. I remember thinking to myself, “Those horses look strange!” After a couple more sips of the java, I realized we had a cow issue! As I watched from the window I saw approximately 15 cows make their way into our trees. I was almost tempted to try and retrieve some milk for my coffee, but I pushed the thought out of my head quickly. I later found out that the fencing that separates the undeveloped acreage next to our neighborhood had broken. I’ll I can say is cows gone wild!

Anyway, I would like to thank my neighbor, Stephanie, for being up at the crack of dawn to take these pictures and for sharing them with us.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA! We don't have that kind of problem in the city parts of good ol Dallas. I saw a chihuahua in the middle of the road on Friday morning but that's about it. Although, I did see a cow in the middle of I-35 in Austin back in 2003. Apparently it's easy to loose a cow while driving down the highway. Who knew!!

    So when you do decide to milk the cows, can you please milk the skinny ones because I only drink Fat Free milk. THANKS!!
