Saturday, January 16, 2010

Crazy flight and we're only half way there!

Evan and I are on a spur of the moment trip to Fort Lauderdale to pick up a jeep we purchased. The flight has been rough to say the least. We just made an emergency medical landing in New Orleans. After a scary and very, very turbulent first half of the flight (a lot of Hail Mary's and I'm sorry Lord were being shouted throughout the cabin) we finally settled down. It was short lived because the next thing we see were multiple people running up the aisle towards the front. One of the passengers had a seizure and they decided to land us for medical care. I'm positive that we did a nose dive as we were descending. We've safely landed are waiting to take off again. We're stuck on the plan for a length of time and while the attendants handle the medical stuff Evan is taking care of the passengers by handing out peanuts and beverages to anyone who visits the bathroom (he had to ride fourth). People are walking by me with handfuls of goods. Hopefully my next post will be pictures of the jeep. Wish us luck!

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